Exceptionally all the bags that are sewed and designed by 12tees are highly durable and classy in nature but there is something different about each and every bag design. It is true that one single bag cannot carry all sort of items and some items requires very tough textured bags so that it can carry heavy weight and not tear out with the pressure.
Calico cloths- The best thing and the thing that makes a different with the Calico bag [กระเป๋าผ้าดิบ, which is the term in Thai] is the fact that the fabric is extremely soft when compared to the other bags available. Due to the soft fabric it is extremely easy to use, durable in nature, and hence can be conserved easily as it can be folded and kept in the pocket or hand bags and is easy to carry. It is made out of a fabric called calico and hence is named as calico bags for the ease of choosing and understanding.
Woven bags- These bags are made out of fabric that are tough, hard and durable and hence can be designed by waterproof materials and are a little heavy to carry as compared to other light weighted bags. It is appropriate for carrying heavy materials and products and is durable.
People find it easy to purchase thing online because it saves time and physical effort and also it is not possible for a working person to take out time and go to shops for ordering bags. Also, normal bags can be bought from any random shop but when u needs to buy bags that have some information printed on it then only a customized order placement can work.
12tees allows one to order bags that would be best suited for the client’s work purpose. One can order festive bags with information printed on it. One can keep regular bags for normal days that would have the business logo and number and one can also place an orde4r with discounts and offers printed on it so that people can get to know about the discounts.
One will have to place a minimum unit of 100 bags as per the company rules for the calico cloth bags. One can check the price list of the bags and unit orders on the web site and also have a talk with the customer care support for clearing out any queries or product related issues. The orders are delivered after 20 days from placing the order and the time may extend depending upon the number of bags one has ordered for.
The bags are made out of reliable and durable material and one can format the printing as needed. One can even have small pockets in the calico bags with zip in it. One can just log on to the web site and check each and every thing that is required for placing an order. One can customize the bags according to their taste and needs and get it delivered within the decided period of time. Place the order now and get the delivery done.