Are you planning for a long settlement in the United Kingdom with your dear one who is already settled there? Do not worry! This could be done easily without any greater hassles. Before you think about settling, there is another point that you must ponder over. Every country has got some specific rules and regulations. As per the latest requirements for the UK Home Office visa application made for settlement or ILR or Naturalisation or Citizenship test, the applicants who wish to stay there with the settled individual needs to undergo a speaking and listening B1 English test. They are required to pass the test by possessing a speaking and listening qualification at B1 CEFR or higher or an equivalent level qualification.

The B1 English Test involves the GESE examination grade 5 which is held by the famous Trinity College. This examination is approved by the Home Office. It is a test of your ability to speak and listen in the English language at B1 level on the CEFR list and ESOL Entry level 3 on the NQF list. Both are the same examinations with different names. There are two phases of the B1 English test which lasts for a total of 10 minutes. Each phase is up to five minutes. The first phase includes a discussion of a topic for five minutes. You are free to choose your topic on which you wish to have a discussion. here you would be able to display the level of your fluency and your confidence in speaking the language.

What to do in phase 1?

The best advantage of this phase of the B1 English Test is that you can speak on the self–selected topic which itself can boost up your confidence as you would be having adequate knowledge about it. You can choose the subject that you are personally interested in, have a good understanding and would thereby be able to easily discuss it in-depth for five minutes. You would be required to fill a ‘Topic form’ before the examination starts. You would be requested to present to the examiner when you enter the room of the examination. The information in the Topic form helps the examiner to initiate and develop a discussion about your selected topic area of interest. This phase is designed to check how spontaneous you are with your views and responses and how well informed are you about the topic.

What to do in Phase 2?

The next phase of the B1 English test involves the conversation phase which again continues for another five minutes in which you need to have a proper conversation with the examiner on the two chosen topics given by him. This phase is designed to check your ability of reciprocation to the person you are speaking with. To speak properly in any language you need to understand the language at first and then only you would be able to express your thoughts using suitable words and phrases. However, once you crack these two phases you can pass the test with flying color and a smiling face. All the best for your try!